Speech-language pathologists and educators know how important effective listening comprehension is for school and life success. Many children who have difficulty learning academic concepts and underlying language concepts struggle with listening comprehension. Often times, teachers notice when children are having a hard time listening, remembering details, and understanding what they are taught.
The first thing to rule out or confirm is if children with suspected difficulty have hearing loss. Then the speech-language pathologist or teacher can give this Listening Comprehension Progress Monitoring tool. It is intended for use with preschool- elementary school aged children already receiving speech-language therapy to monitor progress on their speech/language objectives. Teachers may also use this tool for students receiving tier 2 or 3 Response to Intervention (RTI) for language needs.
Speech-language pathologists or teachers should administer this informal progress monitoring tool that contains criterion referenced tests to children prior to beginning targeted intervention services. Use the portions of the tool that you determine are most appropriate for each student. There are basic 1 step directions, directions with embedded concepts (spatial, qualitative, quantitative, temporal, conditional), 1 sentence level questions, 3 sentence level questions, 5 fiction, and 5 non-fiction passages included. You have easy to use data recording forms for 10 main listening comprehension areas!
After several speech-language therapy or intervention sessions, read aloud the same sections previously administered in this informal assessment tool. Each part of this tool may be given 3 additional times to monitor children’s progress over an extended period of time. You can administer a different fiction and/or non-fiction passage from this tool to monitor students’ progress after receiving speech-language therapy or Response to Intervention (RTI) to gain additional information.
It is recommended that you also note if children are showing signs of weak short term auditory memory skills or difficulty with attention. You can read more about this on my blog at:
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