Guess What? Curriculum Vocabulary Bundle


Guess What? Curriculum Vocabulary Bundle


Grade Levels: 3rd – 8th

Subjects: English Language Arts, Special Education, Speech Therapy

Resource Type: Activities, Games, Literacy Center Ideas

Formats Included: PDF

Pages: 109 pages



It’s important to provide curriculum relevant therapy with children. This product bundle is ideal for upper elementary children and middle school students too. It provides a fun and motivating way for them to practice and learn frequently used E/LA vocabulary. I created this product based on research that confirms the effectiveness of semantic maps to increase vocabulary knowledge, comprehension of academic content, and recall of information. The visual supports in this activity bundle are memory aids to tremendously help students learn.

This essential bundle of my 4 Guess What? Curriculum Vocabulary Games are excellent for use during speech-language therapy lessons or small group language arts lessons. My speech language therapy students LOVE these games!

In this bundle you will receive:
1) Guess What? Types of Literature, Story Elements, & Text Features
* 4 semantic maps with 38 vocabulary words and other game pieces

2) Guess What? Types of Sentences, Parts of Sentences, Parts of Speech, & Types of Nouns
*4 semantic maps with 33 vocabulary words and other game pieces

3) Guess What? Frequently Used SLP Lingo & Test Prep Vocabulary
* 8 semantic maps with 80 vocabulary words and other game pieces

4) Guess What? Figurative Language, Prefixes, & Suffixes
*5 Semantic maps with 48 vocabulary words and other game pieces

5) BONUS-2 prefixes & 2 suffixes worksheets
*Circle the prefixes and write the definitions of the words with prefixes
*Circle the suffixes and match the words with suffixes to their definitions

To play the game, put a semantic map on the table and each child selects a mystery word. They take turns asking questions using the included question prompts page or semantic map to guess their opponents’ words. The child who guesses the most words is the winner!

If you have any questions, you may read more descriptions on the individual product pages. You may also email me your question ([email protected]) or ask it below.

Thanks for your support of BSL Speech & Language. My blog has a detailed preview of the Guess What? Frequently Used SLP Lingo & Test Prep vocabulary. Check it out at

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