This product contains 5 mini lessons that are ideal for speech language intervention or use by teachers to remediate semantic processing skills. Children need to learn how to understand and explain language across a variety of linguistic skills areas including:
associations and categorization
compare and contrast
synonyms and antonyms
multiple meaning words
tier 2 vocabulary
These mini-lessons explain the essential semantic/language processing skills and provide intervention practice opportunities. I recommend this resource for children in 2-8th grade with language disorders and learning disabilities.
After teaching the 5 skills in this bundle across multiple therapeutic and intervention sessions, then SLPs or teachers can choose other hands on activities to practice these vocabulary areas. Vocabulary is the foundation for developing improved communication, academic, and life success!
Additionally, this product is ideal for speech-language pathologists who provide telepractice. It can easily be used on an online platform, ipad, Chromebook, laptops or Smart Board platform too! It may also be used as printable lessons and stored in a binder.
Each of the 5 lessons can be purchased separately, but you save money when you buy this bundle!
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